Season Tickets
2024/2025 Season
You can support our professional company and get additional benefits as a season ticket holder. Choose an option below.
2024/2025 Season
Become a Season Ticket Holder Today!
Company Dancer, Leah Fry. Photo courtesy of ACalle Photography
Gold Pass- $325
Gold Pass Members get two tickets to each performance hosted by Emotions Dance plus the following member benefits.
Sneak Peak Access- View a preview of the performance and enjoy refreshments with the dancers at the studio.
15 minute talk back post show- Get special access to a question and answer session with our artists and choreographers.
Raffle drawing- Instant entry into our raffle drawings for special prizes.
Early access for seat selection- Access our ticketing website and secure priority seating before the tickets are opened to the public.
Silver Pass- $300
Silver Pass members get two tickets to each performance hosted by Emotions Dance plus the following member benefits:
15 minute talk back post show- Get special access to a question and answer session with our artists and choreographers.
Raffle drawing- Instant entry into our raffle drawings for special prizes.
Early access for seat selection- Access our ticketing website and secure priority seating before the tickets are opened to the public.
Company Dancer, Jacquelyn Cheffer. Photo courtesy of ACalle Photography
Company Dancer, Salih Mitchell. Photo courtesy of ACalle Photography.
Bronze Pass- $270
Bronze Pass members get two tickets to each performance hosted by Emotions Dance plus the following member benefits:
Raffle drawing- Instant entry into our raffle drawings for special prizes.
Early access for seat selection- Access our ticketing website and secure priority seating before the tickets are opened to the public.